Master Education in Arts Graduation Presentation 2019
Pedagogy of Insist_ence
“Welcome. Feel free to engage or just observe.
Take a seat, walk around, talk to us.
Listen to our presentations, join our discussions.
Have something to eat.
We are the class of 2019 and this is Pedagogy of Insist_ence.
A safe space, a learning space, an ‘other’ space.
Where going against the grain is something we believe in, even though it leaves its marks.
Where we push through our own discomfort and where we invite you to be uncomfortable with us.
So we can learn from it and create something new.
To see the quality of something different or unusual.”
Pedagogy of Insist_ence is a symposium organized by the students of the Master Education in Arts of the Piet Zwart Institute. During this symposium, the students will share stories about their graduation projects: their insights, their struggles, the beauty that came out of their discomfort (or the ugliness that came with it). From primary/secondary and higher education, museum education to participatory practices: they seek to inspire you, fellow educator / colleague / passing stranger with performances, presentations, discussions, and interviews. They inspire to bring insist_ence to education.
Join them on 13 July in TENT. in Rotterdam, and stick around for drinks…
Participating students: Darly Benneker, Marjolijn van den Berg, Mona Dekker, Andre Hasan, Mark Shillitoe, Jan Siebers and Ariadne Urlus.
Pedagogy of Insist_ence
TENT., Auditorium
Witte de Withstraat 50
July 13: 11.00 – 18.00 (food and drinks included)