
11/09/2021 — 31/10/2021
A Tale of a Tub

The Brain Mixologist: performances

During the exhibition The Brain Mixologist at A Tale of a Tub different performances take place.

Taxidermists' waiting room
Boram Soh

Boram Soh does a two-week performance Taxidermists' waiting room. Taxidermy is a method of storing animal skins; it is skinned from an animal's carcass, treated to prevent spoilage, and stuffed to reproduce the same appearance as when it was alive. Taxidermists' waiting room aims to re-enact the last gesture of a dead animal perceived/collected through the body, then re-mold it with the biodegradable skin of fermented tea leaves as sculptures to seal the scattered body in the material. For example, the taxidermist waits in the closed space of the exhibition hall for the hybrid body to emerge between the body gestures taken, the mannequin imitating the body and the vegetative skin that stretches, shrinks and hardens.

The fortnightly performance process is broadcast during the exhibition period via a monitor connected to the hidden space that can only be viewed through a narrow hole in the door. The taxidermist also tries to enter into a confidential conversation with the public in the segmented exhibition space by means of a letter to the deer, rewritten from a novel by Ocean Vuong, On Earth we're short gorgeous.

The performances will take place on September 11 and 25 from 13.00 pm to 18.00 pm.

to (dis)appear ~ the performance of everyday life

you might feel my presence
like a ghostly vibration
through waves
in silence
a phantom-like expression ~
as our desires take shape
in the dark or in the light
we (dis)appear ~

The performance will take place on October 31.