
Old Inner Road

unveiling festival Jazz portraits

Rotterdam owes its modern image to a large extent to the nightlife and music scene, which flourished on stage one after the other in the 1930s. After the war, other generations of artists and music styles would follow each other, confirming the name of Rotterdam as a jazz city. Now that that generation of pioneers of yesteryear is disappearing, the Jazzmemorial Rotterdam Foundation has contacted the Visual Arts Center to visually anchor this important but so fleeting history in the streets.

Experience it!
On Sunday 21 April at 16.00 hours, five of ten portraits are unveiled on the Oude Binnenweg, where in the 1930s the jazz sounds blew from various cafés and clubs. The portraits show: Rob Franken, immortalized by Jan Kruis, David de Groot by Wouter Tulp, Dick Rijnooy by Theo van den Boogaard, Tony Viola by Louise Lagerweij and finally Jaap Valkhoff was portrayed by his son Martin. You are welcome at what becomes a very musical and festive unveiling, reviving old times.

For more about the program, consult: