
03/04/2021 — 04/04/2021
Hilton Art Lab

Hilton Art Lab: Raquel Vermunt & Liza Wolters

Closing work period Hilton Art Lab: 'retreat', Raquel Vermunt & Liza Wolters
SAT 3 & SUN 4 April 2021, 20.30 - 21.45 PM
A video installation with work by Raquel Vermunt & Liza Wolters in response to work by Leopold Emmen, a collaboration between Nanouk Leopold and Daan Emmen.
For this site-specific work period, Raquel Vermunt and Liza Wolters have made work in and around the Hilton Hotel.
In this they focus on cinematic experiments, sound, text and photographic prints.
At several moments there have been public moments in collaboration with others, and this weekend there will be a video installation as a conclusion.
You are welcome on Saturday and Sunday, both days between 20.30 pm and 21.45 pm!