You can visit the new exhibition from 10 July The Whole World is Turning from Adam Patterson in TENT. In this exhibition, Patterson uses masquerade, textiles, performance, video and poetry to tell new stories or to retake old stories and provide them with new meaning. The new video installation A Ship of Fools is a vehicle for different voices, who try to find words for their experiences in the difficult times in which we live.

Global climate change affects different people in different ways. Can we find ways to feel each other's pain, mourn each other's loss, and relate together to what is currently happening? And how do we want to continue together after we have shared our perception of the crisis? Patterson translated this desire for empathy, connection and solidarity into a way of working in which collaboration is central. A Ship of Fools is a collaboration with Clementine Edwards, Nicole Jordan, Ark Ramsay and M. Maria Walhout.

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