
02/06/2019 — 02/07/2019


CBK Rotterdam vindt een internationale positie van Rotterdamse beeldend kunstenaars en beeldende kunst belangrijk. We onderhouden daarom nauwe banden met kunstorganisaties in het buitenland en proberen zo veel mogelijk beeldend kunstenaars te stimuleren in de internationalisering van hun beroepspraktijk. Simon Kentgens realiseerde zijn project Laden Raden Saleh – een hedendaagse kiosk in Dresden als uitvloeisel van het uitwisselingsproject Dresden-Rotterdam, in samenwerking met het Kulturamt Dresden en het Goethe Institut. HIj plaatste een kiosk in de openbare ruimte van Dresden (Neustadt), de kiosk is gebaseerd op de kiosk van Raden Saleh in Maxen (D). De opening van de kiosk is op 2 juni en de kiosk zal een maand functioneren.

Laden Saleh
A space for encounter and exchange

A project by Simon Kentgens

Laden Saleh is a temporary kiosk in the heart of Dresden’s Neustadt district. It is inspired by the story of the Indonesian painter and prince Raden Saleh, who lived and worked in Dresden for several years from 1839 to 1848. In Dresden he was called ‘The Black Prince’. His exotic appearance and his oriental painting style made him very successful and popular with the Saxon kings and artists. In today’s Dresden his history is almost completely forgotten. The only thing that reminds of him is a kiosk or pavilion in Maxen, a small village outside the city.

Laden Saleh is inspired by this kiosk and brings it to life, in the middle of Dresden’s Neustadt, the Jorge-Gomondai-Platz. It revives the historical presence of painter prince Raden Saleh in the city and at the same time poses questions about identity and Orientalism in the present.

The kiosk sells small oriental goods and groceries. It is a work of art that blends into everyday life, but also deals critically with Dresden’s orientalist heritage. It views the history of Dresden as a long-lasting development in which the exchange of cultures has constantly influenced the city’s life.

The project aims to reach all the people who pass by Albertplatz every day. In addition, there is a series of events that invite associations and artists to exchange ideas on current social issues. Thus, the kiosk becomes a place of encounter, exchange and reflection about the city of Dresden.

Laden Saleh is located on Jorge-Gomondai-Platz (between Hauptstraße and Albertplatz) in Dresden’s Neustadt district from 2 June to 30 June. The kiosk will have daily opening hours and host several small events.

The opening presentation will take place on 2 June at 16:00 with Banda Internationale (small line-up), a greeting by the cultural mayor Mrs. Annekatrin Klepsch and Ove Lucas, director of the CBK Rotterdam.

Laden Saleh is supported by the Kunstkommission der Stadt Dresden, the CBK (Center for Art) Rotterdam (NL) and the Goethe-Institut Rotterdam and is supported by Galerie Ursula Walter, Dresden.

For further information and updates on the events: www.ladensaleh.de